The 13-kilometre long Marina Beach forms the
city's east coast, from Fort St. George all the way to
and is one of the longest beaches in the world. The Marina Beach is
a sandy beach and is the most sought-after beach for many. A visit
to the Marina Beach is an enchanting experience for a traveller.
There are many statues adorn the roadside alo ng the beach which
includes statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Kannagi, Thiruvalluvar, Sir
Thomas Munro, Kamarajar, Avvaiyar, Thanthai Periyar and the Statue
of Labour. At one end of the beach is Anna Square where the former
Chief Minister of Tamilnadu Dr. C.N.Annadurai was buried. Next to
the Anna Sqaure is MGR Samathi and a beautiful park. This is a
memorial for Dr.M.G. Ramachandran, the former Chief Minister of
Tamilnadu and also a former film hero. The tomb has an imposing
memorial Pillar and an eternal flame.
The main road
along the Marina is Kamarajar Salai. Many old and
historic buildings adorn the side of the road opposite to the beach.
The monumental buildings are Senate House of the University of
Madras, Chepauk Palace (now P.W.D office), 19th century Presidency
College building, Ezhilagam and the Director General of Police
office. The beach has new artificial fountains and parks which adds
to its beauty.
There is a swimming pool and an aquarium located opposite to the
Presidency college which is a great attraction for tourists. The
swimming pool is run by the State Government. The pool offers
swimming classes at nominal charges. The aquarium has good
collection of marine and fresh water fishes.
Marina Beach Photos
At the southern end of the Marina Beach is the new Light House. It
stands 48m above sea level and offers a panoramic view of the city.
The light house is open to visitors from 2pm to 4pm.
The recent Tsunami (December 26, 2004) claimed a lot of lives in the
beach. Despite the destruction caused by the Tsunami waves, the
beach has regained its pristine beauty because of the hardworking
The beach can be visited in early mornings or in the evenings. There
are many food stalls, hawkers and many entertainers line the beach
at these times to entertain the visitors. Kite flying is a major
sport for children at the beach.