Computer Training Institutes
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- Coalesce Technologies P Ltd, Chennai : Ever since its inception in 2000, Coalesce has been committed to provide Total Client Satisfaction on higher-end platforms through Total Quality.
- Mech Ci Cadd, Kodambakkam, Chennai : Mech ci cadd is one of the leading engineering, cad / cam / cae company
- Florida Software Solutions P Ltd, Chennai : FSS is a professional fast growing organization with focus in the areas of software development, training, consulting and marketing.
- Vertex Systems Limited, Kottivakkam, Chennai : Consultancy, Off Shore and On Site Development, Implementation and Training
Sourcing, and Training and Placement of IT Professionals.
- Aspire Career Development Academy P Ltd, Chennai : ACDA is a premier training cum placement academy at Adyar (with a chapter in Anna Nagar), Chennai whose main objective is to support the HR activities of the corporate sector.
- Nace Solutions (P) Ltd , Chennai : To become as the most trusted name in the IT industry and provide world class Hardware, Software, Servive & Education enabling clients & partners to maximize their business success
- Dallas Data Systems Pvt Ltd, Chennai : Dallas Data systems P Ltd ( DDS) Started its operations in Feb 1998 as a Quality IT Training and consulting organization.
- Amstar Technologies, Chennai : Provide Corporate IT Training right from Induction batch to any project specific training irrespective of domain / functional constraints.
- ASK Technologies, Chennai : ASK TECHNOLOGIES extends its proven business processes and knowledge to Embedded Systems.
- S T C Technologies P Ltd, Chennai : Developed by top industry technocrats, all software testing certification courses are based on the latest industry practices.