Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital, Cathedral Road

Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital is listed as A Major Eye Centre of the World by The International Congress of Ophthalmology.

Contact: Registered Office: Address:
19, Cathedral Road, Chennai - 600 086, INDIA

Phone:+91 44 2811 2811
+91 44 2811 2525
+91 44 2811 6233
+91 44 2811 2592
+91 44 2811 2959
+91 44 2811 2358
+91 44 2811 3704
Fax:+91 44 2811 5871
E-Mail: dragarwal@vsnl.com

Corporate Office: Address:
4A, Prince Arcade, 22-A, Cathedral Road,
Chennai - 600 086, INDIA

Phone :+91 44 4314 1205
Fax:+91 44 4299 7745
E-Mail: dragarwal@vsnl.com

Web : http://www.dragarwal.com/