Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Avadi, Chennai

Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Avadi was started in 1978 under Civil Sector. Fifteen acres of land has been provided by CRPF.

The school was initially run in a barrack given by CRPF inside the land given by them. Mr.N.S.Vasudevan,IPS was the first Chairman ,VMC and the school was managed by Mr.M.T.Sivarama Subramanian, the In-Charge Principal in the beginning.

Computer education is provided from Class III onwards with free on-hand training thrice weekly. In Classes XI and XII, Computer Science is taught as an elective subject also.

All students are trained in the use of educational softwares like Dictionary, Microsoft Encarta and other computer-aided learning materials besides training them in the use of computers using Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office etc.

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