Kendriya Vidyalaya, DGQA,Meenambakam,Chennai

Kendriya Vidyalaya DGQA is at Pazhavanthangal near Minambakkam Railway station, Chennai. KV .d.g.q.a was established on 31-10.1984 in the d.g.q.a complex. It was started with 150 students from classes I to V .

At present there are 1048 students (class I to XII ). The staff strength is 50. CBSE syllabus from class I to XII Science and Humanities streams.

The School library has to its credit a numerous number of valuable reference resources and other recreational reading materials. Efforts have been made to make these resources utilized both by the faculty and the students.

The Vidyalaya provides ample opportunities for the students in the field of sports and games. The school is divided into 4 houses and inter – house matches in football, cricket , kabaddi, volley ball , basket ball, Kho-Kho & table tennis are being held.

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