Kendriya Vidyalaya, DGQA,Meenambakam,Chennai
Kendriya Vidyalaya DGQA is at Pazhavanthangal near Minambakkam Railway station, Chennai. KV .d.g.q.a was established on 31-10.1984 in the d.g.q.a complex. It was started with 150 students from classes I to V .
At present there are 1048 students (class I to XII ). The staff strength is 50. CBSE syllabus from class I to XII Science and Humanities streams.
The Vidyalaya provides ample opportunities for the students in the field of sports and games. The school is divided into 4 houses and inter – house matches in football, cricket , kabaddi, volley ball , basket ball, Kho-Kho & table tennis are being held.
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