Rams Builders & Investments
Rams is the pioneer in the field of Apartment Housing in Chennai.
Rams hold the unique distinction of having introduced the concept of apartments in Chennai.
Rams has earned unmatched goodwill due to consistent presence in this industry for over 40 years. The founder Shri K.V. Ram established Rams during the late 1960's and introduced the concept of ownership apartments in Chennai.
Rams is a household name, synonymous with quality construction, financial integrity, clear title deeds and perfect documentation.
61 (28) Poes Garden,
Chennai - 600 086.
Phone: +91 44 2499 2856 / 2499 2866 / 2499 4613
Mobile: + 91 98417 47262 / + 91 98410 95556
Fax: +91 44 2499 3612
Web : http://www.ramsbuilders.com/