Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai
Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai has classes from Pre KG to Std XII. The School follows the Matriculation Pattern of Tamilnadu.
The School was upgraded into a Higher Secondary School in June 1992. The present pupil strength of the School is around 1600.
The science laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Biochemistry are well equipped. School has a well equipped computer centre. Our school offers set packages of Computer Education & Training for Std I to IX.
Inter-house cultural and Talent shows are organized to provide a platform to the talented students be it singing, dancing or playing musical instruments.
Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Matriculation Higher Secondary School
No.1, South Avenue, Kamraj Nagar
Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai 600 041
Phone No:- +91- 044 - 24928672
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