Tulika Books, Abhiramapuram, Chennai
Tulika is an independent publishing house producing quality books for children based in Chennai. Tulika's publishing programme, involves and draws inspiration from writers and illustrators sensitive to these issues.
Through pictures and words, the books offer children opportunities to experience several worlds — of people, places, animals, birds, trees, colours, shapes, ideas.
Tulika books reflect a world peopled by the many and the few, the small and the big, the same and the different, speaking different languages, of different faiths, in a myriad colours . . . all connected to each other by the past, the present, the hope of the future.
Tulika Publishers
Chennai 600018, INDIA
Phone (44) 24981639, 24671117 fax (44) 24671113, 28418253
Email kaka@tulikabooks.com or tulikabooks@vsnl.com
Web : http://www.tulikabooks.com/